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K.I.S.S. Training Program

By September 26, 2013November 3rd, 201619 Comments

We all fall victim to it.  Over complicating our strength training programs.  One expert on the internet says “X” and just a click away, another expert says “Y”.  Both sound like great ideas, both guys are respected coaches, and both have plenty of strong athletes under their tutelage.  For many of us the result can be the dreaded Paralysis by Analysis.  It happens.  The best remedy is often just to take a step back, get off all the websites, shut the books, and get back to the basics.  Find the simplest program you can find and then EXECUTE IT!!!  Turn off your brain and just lift!!

I don’t have a lot of time right now so here it is.  If you are chronically programming hopping or are just “stuck” not knowing which direction to turn, try this.  Its painfully simple, yet very effective.  Its about 14 weeks long

Monday – Squat Day         Wednesday – Bench Day              Friday – Deadlift Day

Weight Progression (off estimated 1rm)

5 x 5 x 75%

5 x 5 x 77%

5 x 5 x 79%

5 x 5 x 81%

5 x 5 x 83%

5 x 5 x 85%

4 x 4 x 87%

4 x 4 x 89%

4 x 4 x 91%

3 x 3 x 93%

3 x 3 x 95%

2 x 2 x 97%

2 x 2 x 99%

1 x 1 x 101-105%

*Add assistance work if you want, but you don’t have to.  2-3 sets of 8-10 for each exercise.  No assistance in the 99% week.



  • Leonidas says:

    Andy I have a couple of questions. So is this an advanced program right (for someone who can’t progress on a weekly basis)? Also might there be a problem with not enough volume for the squat (as in the case of 5/3/1) would you suggest adding some squats on deadlift day?

    Thanks for the article,

    • Andy Baker says:


      You are violating the rules by over thinking this!! Its a tweener advanced/intermediate program. There could be, but HUNDREDS of great lifters have done 1x/weekly squat programs. And this has substantially more volume than the basic 5/3/1 program. Especially the 5×5 weeks.

  • Hank says:

    Andy, I like the program alot. Do you see any problems with lifting twice a week by combining squat and deadlift on one day and then benching on the other? Unfortunarely, my schedule can only fit two lifting days per week.


    • Andy Baker says:

      That works fine. You may have to scale back just a bit on either the weight or volume on the deadlifts but it should be fine. That squat/dead workout will be brutal….I’d dpwm a half gallon of milk as soon as you are done!

  • John says:

    Thanks for the KISS program. For someone who is deadlifting in the mid 500s would you recommend the same reps/sets?
    thank you,

    • Andy Baker says:

      A way you could alter the program is to begin on week 1 with all five sets and do that for the first 3 weeks. After week 3, you might start shaving off sets. Another easy way to do it would be to just do 1 top set at the target percentage and then do the remaining sets as back off sets with lighter weight.

  • John says:

    Thank you Sir!

  • Karthik says:

    Hello Andy, is it OK to add a fourth day of doing only Press with the same rep/set scheme or even club it with dead lifts on the third day?

    • Karthik says:

      To add to the above, I have always been interested in strength training and have actively pursued the same with great interest for the past 15 years. However, too much program hopping, a couple of accidents and a blind following of superslow for a considerable period had me distracted and misled. I then made a honest approach to cut the non sense and have been on the 5/3/1 program for the past 3 months and achieved good results. At 35, I still have some time left to really rack up the numbers and add some serious strength and muscle. This program is really simple and straightforward like any good program should be and has me hooked. In fact, I just finished my first week of doing 5×5 with a fourth day for Press.

    • Andy Baker says:

      Sure, adding the fourth day for Presses is fine. My goal in writing the program was just to give people an idea of a SUPER SIMPLE approach to training that might work if you’re stuck in the “paralysis by analysis” rut. Sometimes it’s best to just cut out all the complexity and go as barebones as possible

  • Karthik says:

    Thank you so much Andy. I am into my 3rd week and am having an excellent run. Will update on my progress after completion of the first cycle.

    • Karthik says:

      I am into my 5th week of 5×5 and have done extremely well. i plan to bring the vol to 4×4 from the next week.My squats have never felt this crisp and this has to do majorly with having concentrated focus on one lift. I feel awesome as i am doing 5×5 on the Press with weigths that i could earlier muster one rep with. Thanks Andy.

  • Alex says:

    Will any shoulder imbalances occur without any upper body pulling movements?

    • Andy Baker says:

      You can add in some rows and/or pullups/chinups wherever you like in the program if it will ease your anxiety.

      • Karthik says:

        Alex, to add to what Andy has replied, there is no reason to add any assistance work if you dedicate yourself the above program. The only addition I have made is a 4th day of Presses and never has my upper back felt this pumped after deadlift days. Its is similar to the soreness and cramping sensation that you get later on a day of squats. But, if it cuts out the anxiety, add some pulling movement but focus on the main lifts. BTW Andy, my squats are growing more controlled and powerful as I step into the 4×4 week. Thanks a ton, Andy!

  • Karthik says:

    To add to the above my bodyweight has gone up by almost 10 Kgs from the low 70s since I incorporated this program, with no major deviation in my waist size. A 1″ increase from my earlier 32″.

  • Karthik says:


    I am into my first week of 2×2 and will hit my new max on all lifts in a couple of weeks. For the first time I have had so much success with simple LP. As i approach the end of my first cycle, I have a few doubts. What would be ideal increment on my current max for the new cycle? I bought PPST3 upon your advice and find the novice programming interesting. Should I stick with the current KISS program or adhere to PPST3 novice programming?

  • Karthik says:

    Andy, thank you so much!! I hit my first 100Kg squat yesterday going into my 1×1 week. It felt crisp. Though it may not be very big number in perspective, its a big step for me. Goes to show what a simple no nonsense program could bring if followed properly. Thank you again.