The KSC Method for RAW Power Lifting


A complete 7-week training cycle for competitive or non-competitive power lifting training.

Can be used to peak for your next power lifting meet or simply to build a bigger squat, bench press, and deadlift.

Also included is a 7-week training cycle for competitive or non-competitive strength-lifting training for your next strength lifting competition or simply to build a bigger squat, overhead press, and deadlift.

This is a 4-day per week program but can be tailored for 3-day per week use for lifters with limited time or recovery. The program is an upper/lower split structured similarly to the traditional 4-day Texas Method, but easier to recover from than most Texas Method programs. Appropriate for lifters of any age.

The 7-week cycle can be repeated for multiple cycles for long term usage.

Includes a template for bodybuilding style assistance exercises to help build muscle mass and strengthen weak points in all your lifts.


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