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Simplifying the Heavy Light Medium System – Part 2: Pressing

By August 19, 2013May 11th, 201919 Comments

(Note to reader – this article was originally intended to be broken into just 2 parts.  However, to make the content more digestible, I have decided to draw it out into 3 parts).

In Bill Starr’s text, The Strongest Shall Survive, the basic pressing program was laid out much like the squatting program – a singular exercise, constant volume, and fluctuating intensity over the course of a week.  In Starr’s program, the bench press was the exercise of choice for all 3 days.  The benefit of this set up was that it was simple in concept and logistically feasible in a busy weight room with lots of athletes already occupying the squat racks.  I also remember reading in an old issue of Ironman Magazine that Starr actually didn’t believe that benching for all three workouts was the best setup.  He recalls that his primary reasoning for setting things up this way was (1) he wanted the simplest program possible, and (2) the popularity of the bench press among high school coaches made the program more marketable.  Starr stated in the article that he actually would have preferred using the overhead press for all 3 days, but that he didn’t feel that his audience of high school coaches would buy into the program the same way. 

Fortunately we are not in a situation where we must choose just one exercise for the pressing program.  The squat is unique in that it has no rivals when it comes to leg exercises.  Front squats, box squats, overhead squats, etc, are all decent exercises, but none of them match up to the transformative power of just the basic back squat.  Even in its light and medium versions, it could be argued that the squat is still a more effective tool than other variants of the lift.  With pressing it isn’t quite so.  Both the bench press and the standing overhead press (or just the Press) should be included and given their due attention in almost any basic strength program.  It is hard to say which is better – the press is certainly more functional from an athletic standpoint, but the bench is equally as valuable in its allowances for much heavier loads.  Even those who discount the functionality of the bench press should realize that regularly training the lift will help to drive steady improvement on the press. 

My Recommendations?

My basic recommendation is that the heavy day exercise in the program always be bench presses.  In almost every situation I can imagine the bench press will allow the trainee to use the most amount of weight relative to all other pressing exercises. 

For the light day exercise, I would always default to presses.  Relative to just about any other type of barbell pressing variant, the strict overhead press will utilize the least amount of weight. 

So what about the medium day?  There are a number of exercises to choose from, but for the sake of this article, I will go with my top 3 favorites:

1)    Close Grip Bench Press.  This option would be for those who want to focus on the bench press as their primary exercise.  If I was using the HLM system for power lifting, this would be my exercise of choice.  Close grip benching has been utilized by competitive power lifters for years as a primary assistance movement for competition style bench pressing.  The close grip bench obviously stresses the triceps more than most competition style bench presses do, and because of this, the close grip bench also serves as a powerful assistance exercise for the press as well.  Especially from the midpoint on up, the overhead press is largely dependent on tricep strength. Any exercise that allows the lifter to overload the triceps with heavy weights will have tremendous carryover to the press as well as the bench press.

2)    Push Press.  For the more athletically minded push presses are an excellent medium day exercise.  This would be a good choice for many sport athletes, strongman competitors, Crossfitters, or anyone who wanted to put overhead pressing strength as their top priority. 

3)    Incline Presses.  The incline press moves the bar at an angle that is directly in between the press and the bench press.  Because of this, the incline could be considered the closest relative to a “hybrid” of the two exercises, and will have carryover to both the press and the bench press.  Of the two, the incline press will probably have more carryover to the bench press simply because you are laying down against a bench, and the pecs are stressed slightly more than the delts are.  However, those that regularly take out limit attempts on the press know that a significant amount of “upper chest” is utilized during reps that require a lot of layback to complete.  Angles vary on incline benches, but lower inclines 30-45 degrees, will be much more helpful to bench presses, and steeper inclines (around 60 degrees) will be of greater benefit to presses.  For a trainee who wants to focus mainly on mass and physique, I would choose Incline Presses over options 1 and 2.  As most successful bodybuilders will tell you, inclines are the staple of their chest training workouts as opposed to flat presses.  The look that comes with a full and developed “upper chest” will greatly improve the aesthetics in a bodybuilder, and go a long way in making the shoulder girdle appear bigger and wider than it may actually be. 

An important point to make is that the trainee does not have to just pick one exercise and stick with it for any length of time.  It is perfectly acceptable to focus on one or the other for a period of a few weeks or months and then switch to another.  It might even be a good idea to rotate the three movements on a weekly basis.  This is an area where a lifter can permissibly sneak some variety into the routine to keep things mentally and physically fresh. 

As a final note, I intentionally did not include partial exercises into the discussion.  Partial rack bench presses and presses are valuable exercises, but add a layer of complexity to the discussion that I didn’t want to get into.  Depending on how the particular exercise is set up, partials may use more or less weight than their parent exercise, and this will affect its status as a heavy, light, or medium exercise.  As a general rule, partial exercises could probably fit into most medium days just fine – even if the weight that was used was not technically “medium.”
Some trial and error might be necessary.

Contact me with any questions, or add your input to the comments section below!

Thanks – Andy











  • Dave says:

    Great article and perspective, Andy. Do you see the dip as a meaningful addition to an HLM pressing program?

    • Andy Baker says:

      I generally view the dip as an assistance exercise, and tend to emphasize barbell exercises as the main movements in my programming. However, if you wanted to try it, stick some weighted dips on the medium day and see what happens. Like the article said, the medium day pressing movement is an opportunity for the lifter to sneak some variety into his/her programming. You could make dips part of a rotation of several different exercises or just stick with it for 4-6 weeks and then swap out something else.

  • Thomas says:

    Another good write-up, Andy

    What are your thoughts on dips on the light day and presses on the medium day? I never feel beat up after dips, regardless of sets

    • Andy Baker says:


      I’d probably put Dips on the medium day even though it would technically doesn’t qualify as the medium exercise. It just makes more sense to put the “shoulder” exercise in between the two chest exercises.

  • Ricky says:

    You do a very good job at explaining and laying out the HLM. I keep looking back at the Starr model in PP2 with your article it’s all starting to make more sense. Can’t wait for part 3! One question though, I already have a fairly close bench press due to pain in shoulder while benching wide and my flat bench doesn’t incline. What would you think about the medium day being bench press again but with about 90% of the heavy day bench?

    • Andy Baker says:

      That would work. Perhaps you could do that lighter bench day with a pause just to make it a little harder.

      • John says:

        49 years old
        BW 230, Bench 390, Squat 445, DL 535, Press 240

        does the program below look reasonable to you?

        Heavy Light Medium (HLM)
        Heavy Day is at 80% of Max, Light Day is 60 %, Medium Day is 70%

        Squat every day
        Five reps, at three sets

        Squats 80% max, five reps three sets
        Bench 80% max, five reps three sets
        Deadlift 80% max, one set of five

        Squats 60%, five reps three sets
        Press 80%, five reps three sets

        Squats 70%, five reps three sets
        Bench 70%, five reps three sets

        Go up one pound on upper body, two pounds on lower body, every week on heavy day

        Run this program for about 8 weeks, then transition to heavier weight, less reps

        So, Eight weeks at five reps three sets, Two weeks at triples three sets, Two weeks at doubles, one week deload, then try new max

        Thank you in advance for the help,

        • Andy Baker says:

          I think it’ll work just fine John. Now the trick is to just STICK TO THE PLAN and SEE IT THROUGH. Even if you don’t get the intended results you will still learn valuable lessons about yourself and your own tolerances. Program hopping is a double edged sword because it (1) never yields results (2) learning never occurs.

          • John says:

            Thank you Andy, I appreciate the advice. I have been on the same program for about two years, so this change will provide a good opportunity to learn

  • Billy says:

    Great article Andy. Quick question about push pressing on medium day: would you drop the volume from a 5×5 to something like a 5×3 or would the incorporation of the light day be enough to offset that much volume?

    • Andy Baker says:

      I would probably do triples or below simply because of the nature of the exercise. Being somewhat technical, they will respond better to lower reps. The exact number of sets to do on each day will vary from lifter to lifter and will depend on the overall structure of the program. 3 to 5 sets will work for most.

  • mike says:

    Hey andy great reads here, can’t wait for the pull section. Are you suggesting ramping sets of 5×5 or sets across?

    • Andy Baker says:

      Either way is fine. Sets & reps are going to depend on the individual and the exercise. Anything I post in these articles, as far as sets/reps goes, is strictly as an example, not a prescription.

  • Dave says:

    Hi Andy, with respect to the Bench (Heavy), Overhead Press (Light), and Incline (Medium), you are still pushing ‘heavy’ in all of the movements and only refer to them as HLM because of the respective comparable loads. Correct? Thanks,

  • Phil says:

    I’d just like to clarify one point: You suggest a heavy bench on Mon then doing oh presses as the ‘light day’ on Wed. Is this a ‘heavy’ oh press? But you are calling it a light day simply because heavy oh presses are lighter than heavy bench presses. Or are you actually suggesting doing ‘light’ oh presses?

    Again, on Fri, are these alternative exercises to be done ‘heavy’ or lighter than maximum?

    • Andy Baker says:

      The OH Presses are done as heavy as they can be for whatever rep range you are working in. It is a “light” exercise by nature…relative to the bench press.

  • Nate says:

    As a novice with an [emphasis] extremely weak and glacially slow moving press that has a low sticking point, do you think HLM with 60ish degree incline presses is a reasonable thing to try? Any recommendations regarding assistance work?

    • Andy Baker says:

      Sure, the higher incline presses on medium day might work well for getting the presss moving again. Especially if you try doing them with a press width grip, instead of a wider bench grip. The best exercise for presses, in my opinion, is direct tricep wprk. Especially tricep work that hits the long head or inner head of the triceps. Aside from that, my presses always respond best to just a lot of direct press training and keeping my bench press strong.