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This mini-article was originally an email sent out to my mailing list.  To join the mailing list for FREE weekly tips delivered to your inbox, sign up with any of the contact forms on this site.  


There are a lot of different programs available that claim to effectively allow you to train in a completely auto-regulated way.

Like anything else – some work better than others.

Most programs built upon auto-regulation are built around RPE based programming.

Although not my preferred way to train, my point here is not to bash RPE-based programming, it’s to illustrate why I prefer the Conjugate Method (also known as the Westside Method).


#1:  Most People Like to Train Hard

On the Conjugate Max Effort Day the program asks you to work up to the heaviest single possible…….for today.

So, the program recognizes that you may not set a PR today, but the idea is to push up as close to it as you can.

And more importantly – if you can set that PR… should.

I’ve found my clients prefer this style of auto-regulation to trying to find their @8 or @7 or whatever.

While it works for some, many will find themselves tip-toeing through their training session, stressing about and over-analyzing whether they just hit an @8 or @9, etc, etc.

Working up to a true 1RM for the day also gives you a more accurate picture to plan your back off work from.

i.e. 80% is actually 80% as you are basing your numbers off of an actual 1RM, not an estimated 1RM from the subjective feel of your @8.


#2:  Volume Work is Already Sub-maximal

The way we arrange the volume work in a Conjugate program lends itself to easy auto-regulation.

Most of the work is done between 70%-85% of 1-rep max.

We program most of the work with a set / rep combo that is low RPE so that we can focus on maximal bar speed.

In other words, we don’t really do 5 x 5 @ 80% of 1RM, we’ll likely do something like 10 x 2 @ 80% of 1RM.

You might be a little slower with it today…..but you aren’t gonna miss any reps.

Again, easy auto-regulation as you don’t really have to adjust anything.

You just won’t be as Dynamic if you’re “off” versus if you are “on.”



#3:  Assistance work is always (or most always) to failure

Conjugate programming is largely built around a fairly high volume of assistance work.

Assistance work is there for hypertrophy and hypertrophy work is most effective when sets are taken to or very close to failure.

So again, there is no need to worry about @7 or @8 or whatever…..just go until you can’t.

And next time, try and go a little further.

Again, you don’t really need to adjust that much.  If your goal today is to Dumbbell Press the 80s for a set of 10, and you only get 9….oh well.

You just got auto-regulated.

If you get to 10, and can crank out 11 or 12, then do so.  You just auto-regulated.


So again, this isn’t an in-depth article on why a Conjugate form of auto-regulation is superior to an RPE-based form of auto-regulation.

Mainly it’s just some food for thought for those of you who aren’t making much progress on RPE-based programming.

You can still auto-regulate, but there are ways to do it differently and perhaps more effectively.


My Conjugate Programming is available only through the Baker Barbell Club online group programming.  






If you want more info on the Conjugate Program, here’s a 3-part series from the Baker Barbell Podcast:


Conjugate Part 1

Conjugate Part 2

Conjugate Part 3